How to Manage Instagram ads for Your business: A 5 step Guide

· instagram,Instagram ads guide,Instagram ads,Instagram Story Ads,social marketing

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In this article, we’ll Guide you  through different Ad formats and a comprehensive overview about how to manage Instagram ads for your business including an easy 5-step guide to create your first ad in just a few clicks.


Instagram ads are quite similar to facebook ads; they appear in feeds, stories explore and other areas of the app. The blend uite well to normal posting but they have a small label  of sponsored to highlight that they are paid advertisement. They also contain call to action buttons and links to navigate people to the website of the brand.

Different Instagram AD formats 

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  • Image ads 
  • Stories ads 
  • Video ads 
  • Carousel ads 
  • IGTV ads 
  • Reel ads 
  • Shopping ads 

  • Image ads - allows brands to post a single picture as advertisement for their brand. Some of the marketers can convey the message in a single message, this should be visually appealing. For this to be successful one should use high quality design and pictures.
  • Stories ads- stories are an important part of instagram, it is best to design the advertisement in such a way that they blend easily with the normal post. Stories can contain images, videos and carousels and call to action buttons can also be added by using the wipe up option.
  • Video ads- Similar to image ads marketers can post videos to attract more customers.The video can be as long as 60 seconds however its been seen that shorter ads are more effective and its important to capture the attention of people in the first few seconds of the ad.
  • Carousel ads- carousel ads contain a series of pictures or videos that the people can swipe through. Marketers can place them in both feed as well as in stories.marketers can share stories through a carousel and even share their collection because of swipe through  options.
  • Instagram TV ads -IGTV adverts are video advertisements that appear after a user clicks on an IGTV video in their feed to watch it. Videos should be no more than 15 seconds long and geared for vertical full-screen viewing (more IGTV ad specs).
  • Instagram reel ads- Instagram reel has replaced tik tok and it is extremely popular. Instagram   allows ads to appear in the reel as well. These ads can be 30 seconds long. To make it viral and organic marketers should make use of viral songs and concepts.
  • Shopping ads- with this Users can now view and purchase things without ever leaving Instagram thanks to the app's new Shopping feature (limited to businesses with Instagram Checkout enabled).

How to manage  your instagram ads?

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With so many options and formats available managing instagram ads can become a daunting task.Here is a five step guide on how to manage Instagram ads.

1.Set your goal 

This means setting the purpose for the advertisement, whether the ad wants to-

  • Drive more traffic
  • Increase view count 
  • Increase  followers and sign ups
  • Increase  e commerce purchase 

Once you have set your goal you can choose from different formats for example shopping ads are good if you want to increase your ecommerce purchase.

2.who is my target audience?

It is very important to know who the target audience are and their habits and preferences. Do they like watching videos or are they avid online shoppers?

After this you can select a format with objectives and call-to-actions that matches customer’s preferences.

3. What type of content has performed well?

Examine your organic feed to see what forms of content have done well, since this will give you a decent idea of what paid formats might appeal to your audience.

4. Select ad placements 

In the ads section you can decide where or where not your ad will appear.

This can be done automatically and manually, if you choose automatic option Instagram will automatically allocate spaces to the ad where they perform well and through  manual option you can choose specifically where your ad will appear (and not appear).


We hope that this Article  has helped you better manage your Instagram ads. Advertisements can help you improve your social media marketing game by raising the amount of people who see a certain post or expanding the audience you reach organically.

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